Anthoula Poniraki

Sr. Product Manager Workable

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Anthoula Poniraki

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Women in Tech Summit

May, 18
10:10 -


Be Your Own Hype Person: Mastering Imposter Syndrome and Owning Your Worth
Let's face it - the tech world can be tough, and it's not uncommon for women to experience imposter syndrome. This nagging feeling of self-doubt can be especially damaging as women already face obstacles to career progression in tech. In this session, we'll talk about practical tips and tricks to help women in tech recognize and overcome imposter syndrome, boost their self-confidence, and learn how to advocate for themselves in their professional lives. We'll discuss how to identify the symptoms of imposter syndrome in yourself and your colleagues, and provide strategies for counteracting negative self-talk while building a supportive network. The ultimate goal? To empower women in tech to confront imposter syndrome head-on, build their confidence, and confidently advocate for themselves in their careers.
Anthoula Poniraki
Anthoula Poniraki
Sr. Product Manager Workable
Mental Health

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