Elena Georgana
Founder (HUMANNERA) / Group HRD, Kariera
Elena Georgana is an Executive Search professional that specializes in Talent Strategy and the development of Leadership Teams. Being herself a successful corporate leader for many years, she combines a deep business understanding with a strong humancentric and unbiased approach, in all her endeavors. Her vision is to highlight the most valuable asset of organizations, towards achieving their goals: the human talent!
Her long career as CFO and CEO of multinational companies in various business sectors, and the measurable results of companies’ turnaround to growth and profitability, has always been based on strategic role reorganization and people motivation. She has also served as Special Advisor to the Minister of Environment & Energy, being responsible for developing initiatives towards the enhancement of environmental culture in the country.
Elena, as Founder of HUMANNERA NGO, is also a “humanity entrepreneur” – with noticeable social and environmental action, a true believer in the value of lifelong education, and a Human Potential Activist, strongly advocating the endless possibilities of each human being.
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Corporate Culture: An Excuse for Biased Leaders?
In a world that is changing. promoting the acceptance of diversity and an inclusive approach in every aspect of life, in corporations we still talk about a shared cultrure. Is this culture designed based on common values that are cultivated within the organization? Or is it an "excuse" for leaders to continue hiring the people that remind them most of themselves, and are -consequently- easier to manage? Being biased is more "normal" than what we believe. Neuro science helps us understand and deconstract the myth of bias being a malpractice of leadership, but still leaders need to constantly get trained in reviewing their biased and creating a working environment of justice and development opportunities. It is a matter of human rights, afterall, and leaders should rise to this high purpose, more than anyone else.
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