George Marinos

Head of Digital Transformation Division, National Bank of Greece

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George Marinos

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A.I. Summit

November, 2, 2023
13:10 -
13:30 EEST
Quick Session
How to Deal with Data Limitations when Investing in Conversational A.I.
Investing in conversational A.I. poses challenges, particularly regarding the data that need to be used. This session will discuss the difficulties faced in developing a chatbot, specifically using corporate circulars as the main data source at NBG. While these circulars contain information on company procedures, they lack the specific content needed to train a chatbot effectively.

To address this challenge, a major project was initiated: the development of a tool that can summarize, generate Q&As, and compose corporate circulars. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of document production.
George Marinos
George Marinos
Head of Digital Transformation Division, National Bank of Greece

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